Us faig un resum dels "afegits" que estic posant al fòrum, perquè vegeu què hi haurà de nou :P Només copio la descripció de la pàgina en anglès, dic què fan i si estan instal·lats o encara no ^^
MOD Name: Stop Author View Increase
Author: DanielT
MOD Description: Does not increase viewed count when author is viewing his/her own topic
MOD Version: 1.0.1 (updated: 08/18/03)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute
Download File: savi-101.mod
File Size: 1980 Bytes
No augmenta el nombre de visualitzacions d'un tema si el visita el mateix creador.
NO INSTAL·LAT - Al final no l'instal·laré.
MOD Name: Disable Post Count Increase
Author: Xore
MOD Description: This mod enables you to selectively turn off post count increments on each forum
MOD Version: 1.0.1 (updated: 09/23/03)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute
Download File: dpci101.mod
File Size: 5008 Bytes
Fa que els missatges en un cert fòrum no sumin al total de missatges publicats. No sé si posar-lo...
MOD Name: Topic calendar
Author: Ptirhiik - RPGnet-fr
MOD Description: This mod will add a calendar to your board, using topics as event. The authorizations are managed at forums, groups and users level, as the standard phpBB auths.
Used in conjonction with Profile Control Panel, it will add the birthday of your users to the calendar.
It comes with a week display box on header board, hide by default. You can also let your user choose their preferences, using the mods settings mod (included in the pack).
MOD Version: 1.0.1
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 20 Minutes
Disclaimer: This MOD has not been Validated by the MOD Team. The MOD has been tested for functionality only. For more information see this topic. However, the author has proven to be trustworthy.
Download File:
File Size: 114693 Bytes
Permet afegir un calendari on posa automàticament els aniversaris dels usuaris i s'hi poden afegir esdeveniments i enllaçar-los a un missatge determinat.
MOD Name: Under construction posts [KMR]
Author: Dr DLP
MOD Description: Allows users to make their post under construction , so others cannot read it until they decide to . Admin can activate/deactivate this option using the ACP .
Under construction posts are protected against reviews and quote .
Users can see at the bottom of their profile page their posts under construction .
If a user see his own post ( or a moderator ) , the post appears in red with an advertisement .
MOD Version: 1.0.3
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 20 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 6407 Bytes
Pots publicar un missatge "a mitges" per acabar d'escriure'l més tard. Només el podràs veure tu i els moderadors.
MOD Name: Allow multiple spaces
Author: chris_blessing
MOD Description: Allows users to enter multiple spaces in a post and have it show up when the post is viewed. Uses html entity.
MOD Version: 1.0.0
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute
Download File: Allow multiple spaces.mod
File Size: 2431 Bytes
Security Score:
Permet posar espais " " als missatges, sense aquesta opció posaria simplement " "
MOD Name: 15 Minute Who is Online MOD
Author: source
MOD Description: Extends Who is Online to show last 15 minutes.
MOD Version: 1.0.1
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 3 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 1021 Bytes
Security Score:
Canvia el "Usuaris connectats en els últims 5 minuts" per "15 minuts".
MOD Name: View posts since last visit Number
Author: Shof515
MOD Description: Shows how many new posts were made since lasts,and shows them on the View posts since last visit link on the index page
MOD Version: 1.1.1
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 1 Minute
Download File: View_posts_since_last_visit_Number_1_1_1.mod
File Size: 2438 Bytes
Mostra el nombre de missatges nous des de l'última visita.
MOD Name: Colour on poll results
Author: Manipe
MOD Description: Instead of the standard results images on the poll results, this hack shows colour on the results of a poll. Different colours are given to each range of percentages. Also it gives a certain colour to the option that you voted for (Default= Purple)
MOD Version: 1.1.1 (Updated 12/16/04)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 5 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 3626 Bytes
Security Score: 0
Assigna colorins a cada opció d'una enquesta.
MOD Name: Site warning
Author: alcaeus
MOD Description: Adds a customizable warning to the database. The warning then is displayed in overall_header.tpl, meaning that it is visible on every page in your forum. You can modify the looks of that warning, the template only contains the message, making this very customizable.
MOD Version: 1.0.2
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 5 Minutes
Download File: Site warning 1.0.2.mod
File Size: 5306 Bytes
Permet posar un avís que apareix a totes les pàgines del fòrum. Útil en cas de problemes tècnics o així.
MOD Name: Super Quick Reply
Author: hayk
MOD Description: The mod allows those who have Reply access to use the same quick reply form as the one accessible upon pressing Reply. In turn, the Admin can enable or disable the quick reply form globally, while each user is capable of setting a display type (show/hide/last page) and a mode (basic/advanced) for this form.
MOD Version: 1.1.1 (Updated 12/10/04)
Installation Level: Intermediate
Installation Time: ~ 25 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 11796 Bytes
Security Score: 0
Resposta ràpida (el que hi ha al fòrum vell i aquí no hi és encara...), per no haver de clicar a "respon".
MOD Name: Profile Control Panel
Author: Ptirhiik - RPGnet-fr
MOD Description: This mod add a control panel for users of your board.
Features included :
Front-office :
* Friend and ignore list,
* user-customizable member list,
* list of the subscribed topics,
* online/offline/hidden indicator,
* summer time (DST) management (user and admin),
* user groups display,
* gender (based on gender mod by Niels Chr < >),
* gender on rank titles,
* birthday date, anniversary whish,
* signature preview/editor,
* anti-robotic registration, disabling via ACP,
* realname, phone/fax numbers,
* user information display management by the user and restriction by the admin,
* hide picture (avatar, signature, pic in post),
* admin management from standard user link,
* color for mods, admin and standard user set by the CSS,
* private messages management integrated,
Programming :
* more friendly programmers adding fields to users table,
* modulated menu and sub-menu management,
* add fields to users table and to display in the admin config panel,
* edit your language entries in the admin config panel
Disclaimer: This MOD has not been Validated by the MOD Team. The MOD has been tested for functionality only. For more information see this topic. However, the author has proven to be trustworthy.
MOD Version: 2.0.0
Installation Level: Intermediate
Installation Time: ~ 30 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 534350 Bytes
Crea un "hiper-perfil" amb mooolta informació i moltes opcions xD I tela per instal·lar-lo, imagino.
INSTAL·LAT (i el que ha costat xD)
A part d'aquests hi ha l'àlbum, que com ja sabeu està INSTAL·LAT ^^
MOD Name: Favorite Topics Mod
Author: DanielT
MOD Description: Allows Users To keep a list Of Favorite Topics
MOD Version: 1.0.4 (updated: 09/14/03)
Installation Level: Intermediate
Installation Time: ~ 5 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 5732 Bytes
Permet tenir un llistat de missatges "preferits" per fer-hi una ullada ràpida clicant a la part de dalt, a "Favorits".
MOD Name: Announces Suite
Author: Ptirhiik - RPGnet-fr
MOD Description: This mod allows you to display the announces from the forum on the index page, and above the forum pages for the announce coming from forums of the same categories. It adds also a duration to each announcement, and global announcement.
MOD Version: 3.0.2a (Updated 04/09/04)
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 20 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 80587 Bytes
Security Score:
Permet mostrar alguns dels temes com a "anuncis" a la part de dalt de la pàgina principal del fòrum.
MOD Name: Profile Views
Author: Manipe
MOD Description: Shows how many times a user's profile has been viewed, just above the joined date.
MOD Version: 1.0.0
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 3 Minutes
Download File:
File Size: 1514 Bytes
Security Score: 0
Mostra el nombre de vegades que s'ha vist un perfil d'un usuari.
No recordo si aquests són tots, perquè els tinc a casa i això ho estic fent des de la uni ^^uu
Bé, quan pugui ja seguiré instal·lant xD
Els dies d'èxit d'aquest fòrum van ser ja fa molts anys i ara resta abandonat, de manera que he decidit bloquejar-ne els nous registres i deixar-lo com a fòrum de només lectura perquè no se'n perdi el contingut.
Si has arribat aquí cercant un fòrum d'anime, manga o cultura japonesa en català, et recomano que facis una visita a, el fòrum de referència sobre aquests temes en l'actualitat!
Els dies d'èxit d'aquest fòrum van ser ja fa molts anys i ara resta abandonat, de manera que he decidit bloquejar-ne els nous registres i deixar-lo com a fòrum de només lectura perquè no se'n perdi el contingut.
Si has arribat aquí cercant un fòrum d'anime, manga o cultura japonesa en català, et recomano que facis una visita a, el fòrum de referència sobre aquests temes en l'actualitat!
Afegits previstos al fòrum
Qui està connectat
Usuaris navegant en aquest fòrum: Google [Bot] i 8 visitants